The Child Support
Arrears Calculator TM
Calculate Past Due Child Support Plus Interest
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Child Support Software
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If You Have Or Ever Had A Child Support Order?
Determine arrears that are past due plus interest
If you already have a child support order(s), just enter the start and end dates of the order(s), the order amount and calculate all charges for the period. You can enter payments, if any were made, and an interest rate; then press Calculate. A spreadsheet will be generated showing the details and totals for arrears and interest. It's as easy as that!
Calculate the balances on modified orders, including modified order amounts, frequencies, and interest rates.
Track and monitor the original order plus changes to the amount of money owed for each frequency, changes to the frequency such as weekly, monthly, biweekly, semimonthly,etc., and changes to the interest rate during each modification period.
Calculate judgments or other court ordered arrears such as: blood test fees, attorneys fees, hospital fees, etc.
If a court ordered judgment, fees or other fixed amount exists you can track the outstanding balance plus interest based on any payments made or court ordered adjustments.
Sample Spreadsheet Calculation
Be prepared before you go to court.
Sign up for the Arrears Calculator Today!!

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